Home Roasted Potato, Raw Banana Veg Kabab (Vrath Wale Kabab Recipe)

Potato, Raw Banana Veg Kabab (Vrath Wale Kabab Recipe)

Potato, Raw Banana Veg Kabab (Vrath Wale Kabab Recipe)
potato banana kabab
how to make kabab in vrath ka khana
potato aloo ke roasted kabab
upwasache faral
fried kabab for vrath upwasa

I love kababs , and at the time of vrath (fast) we want something interesting…kababs are generally fried one  but I had roasted it on non stick pan and it turned out well, but kids like the fried ones so I have made both fried and roasted vrath wale kabab..if you want you can grill this kabab …

[ingredients title=”Ingredients”]

  • 3 raw bananas
  • 2 medium size potatoes
  • 1 finely chopped green chilly (according to your taste)
  • ½ cup kuttu ka atta(buckwheat flour)/sabudana atta(tapioca flour)/rajgira atta(Amaranth seed flour)
  • Saindha namak(rock salt)/ salt for taste
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice or 1teaspoon amchur(raw mango powder)
  • Oil for frying or roasting


[directions title=”Directions”]

  1. Boil bananas and potatoes in pressure cooker …let it cool downIMG_4717
  2. Remove the skin banana and potatoes  IMG_4718
  3. Grate boiled bananas and potatoes….add finely chopped green chilies in itIMG_4726IMG_4730
  4. Add  kuttu ka atta(buckwheat flour)/sabudana atta(tapioca flour)/rajgira atta(Amaranth seed flour)in itIMG_4731
  5. Make oval shape balls and press itIMG_4736
  6. If you are health conscious spread 1 teaspoon of oil on a non stick pan ….heat it… keep the kababas on it let it cook covered on low flame 3-4 minutes…turn it and again cook it covered on low flame for 3-4 minutes..Then press it with spatula and roast it nicely  on both side…IMG_4739IMG_4742IMG_4741IMG_4753
  7. If u want u can fry this kababs on low flame ..IMG_4744IMG_4746IMG_4750
  8. If u want u can make small disc of kabab mixture and fry it IMG_4756 IMG_4762
  1. Serve this kabab  hot with vrath ki nariyal  chutney or curd 



  1. In place of raw banana you can add Arbi / Arvi (Arum) …
  2. If your  not on vrath you can add besan/bread crumbs  in place of kuttu ka atta(buckwheat flour)/sabudana atta(tapioca flour)/rajgira atta(Amaranth seed flour)
  3. If you want you can grill this kabab in your microwave ovens grilling option …brush it with oil before grilling 



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