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Cinnamon Water Benefits

Do you came across this magical drink that can do wonders to your health?


Cinnamon is a magical spice obtained from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum. Cinnamon is used mainly as an aromatic condiment and flavoring additive in a wide variety of cuisines, sweet and savory dishes, snack foods, breakfast cereals, snack foods, tea, and traditional foods.

Cinnamon is an amazing spice that is used to add flavor to many dishes. Apart from adding flavor to dishes, it is also known for its various health benefits. With a woody and sweet flavor, cinnamon has a slight citrusy note, and its spicy taste is often likened to the powerful punch of cloves. Other than the texture, there’s no difference between cinnamon sticks and ground cinnamon in flavor, but it’s the way they are used that differs Cinnamon is called Dalchini in Hindi, Pattai in Tamil, and Krugapatta in Malayalam.

Cinnamon  Water

When cinnamon and water are put together, they make quite the powerful duo.

Cinnamon water is a tasty and an easy way to enjoy a antioxidant-rich beverage.

Adding cinnamon to your water is not only delicious but hydrating too.It adds an array of health benefits, such as delivering antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties, supporting heart health, lowering cholesterol, and potentially aiding in weight loss too.

Cinnamon Drink for Weight Loss

If you are worried about your bulging stomach, we suggest you to add a piping hot cuppa of cinnamon tea to your daily diet and wait for the magic to happen. This bitter-sweet spice is known to regulate blood sugar levels, aid metabolism,  and improve insulin function–all this collectively can help you lose weight. According to a Japanese study published in 2012, cinnamon may help in fighting visceral fat in mice too.

You will need some ingredients to prepare the cinnamon drink:

  • A cup of water
  • A teaspoon of honey
  • A dash of lemon to taste
  • 1 cinnamon stick

You have to boil a cinnamon stick in water till it gets fragrant. Squeeze a dash of lemon in it and add one teaspoon of raw honey to it and yay, your weight loss drink is ready. You can also include some other spices like pepper, ginger, cardamom, and mint to make the concoction even healthier and tastier. The combination of honey, lemon, and cinnamon is great for weight loss. Besides working wonders for weight loss, cinnamon has many medicinal and antibacterial properties too.

Benefits of Cinnamon  Water

So,now we have enough information about the wonderful spice Cinnamon. Let’s figure out the benefits of Cinnamon water:-

  • Cinnamon Water Helps Flush Out Toxins

Cinnamon water is loaded with tons of antioxidants that help you detox and fight the free radical that damages your body.

  • Cinnamon Water Helps Boost Immunity

Besides being rich in antioxidants, Cinnamon water includes proanthocyanidins, polyphenols,  antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties that are dubbed to strengthen immune health.

  • Cinnamon Water Promotes Weight Loss

Cinnamon water, when drank in form of detox water or herbal tea helps in boosting the metabolism and digestion. These factors further help shed extra kilos.

  • Cinnamon Water Help Manage Diabetes

Cinnamon water is known to have properties that help in managing blood sugar levels in the body. This means, if taken in the right amount, cinnamon drinks may help people suffering from diabetes.

  • Cinnamon Water Promotes Healthy Skin

As mentioned earlier, Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants, which help flush out toxins. This further helps purify the blood and promote blood circulation – the factors that play a major role in boosting skin health.

  • Cinnamon Water Help Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

Cinnamon is known to be a digestive aid that helps in normalizing the levels of both glucose and triglycerides(a type of fat)in the blood, reducing the risk of diabetes and heart disease. 

  • Cinnamon Water~Remedy For Cold And Flu

Cinnamon water has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it an effective remedy for cold, cough, flu, and sore throats.

  • Cinnamon Water Help In Reducing Effects Of PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a hormonal disorder that causes ovaries to enlarge with small cysts on the outer edges. Cinnamon-infused water along with some honey may help in reducing the effects of PCOS. Cinnamon water reduces insulin resistance in women with PCOS.

  • Cinnamon Water As Digestive Aid

Cinnamon improves digestion and absorption. It is an anti-bacterial drink that heals infections in the GI tract. If you’re suffering from an upset stomach or cramps, cinnamon tea can bring so much relief.

  • Cinnamon Water Copes With Cramps Resulting From Menstruation

Cinnamon can give off antispasmodic properties to the body, helping to reduce the pain which comes with menstruation. Consumption of boiled cinnamon water helps to limit the occurrence of cramps in the body.

Have this herbal and delicious drink twice a day and see the result for yourself!

Nutritional Value

How much Cinnamon water to take in a day?

Consuming normal amounts of cinnamon isn’t likely to have a big impact on anyone’s health. It’s not even suggested to eat a lot of it either.Because cinnamon hasn’t a set dose. Some experts suggest 0.5 to 1 teaspoon (2-4 grams) of powder a day. Some studies have used between 1 gram and 6 grams of cinnamon as well.

The effective dose is typically 1–6 grams or around 1/2–2 teaspoons of cinnamon per day.

Can we drink Cinnamon water daily?

Yes! Cinnamon water is safe to consume every day. One of the best ways to extract all the goodness from cinnamon is to soak the stick in water and sip it regularly. 

Drinking cinnamon water daily helps people suffering from arthritis or joint pain for relief. The anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon water help in reducing excessive pain.

Backed by various health experts, cinnamon-infused water makes for a wonder drink that has enormous healing properties. Cinnamon water can be included in a regular diet to detox and benefit the overall health of the consumer.

Anyone can start their morning with this healthy cinnamon water empty stomach and can enjoy a healthy metabolism throughout the day.

Can I drink cinnamon water on an empty stomach?

Drinking cinnamon-infused water every day on an empty stomach or before breakfast is the way to sip this drink. Following these specific timings helps in reducing bad cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels,  and also helps in suppressing cravings. It helps in suppressing the appetite to a certain extent thus helping in avoiding overeating and gaining weight ultimately.

Who doesn’t crave a peaceful sleep? This spice is something that is known to remove stress from the body and help the muscles to relax. For all the times you dreamt of having a soothing and sweet drink before going to bed, this cinnamon water drink can come to your rescue without adding to your waistline. Apart from compensating for the sugar, cinnamon is also loaded with many other benefits which can help in weight loss consecutively. It is loaded with antioxidants and has inflammation-reducing properties, which are linked to obesity and weight gain.

Cinnamon also contains the satiety hormone, which makes you feel to the fullest and even reduces the cravings and hunger pangs, controlling your diet in the long run. The hidden benefit of cinnamon lies in its aroma. Cinnamon contains the chemical, cinnamaldehyde which when comes in contact with our cells boosts the metabolism rate. Thus, cinnamon, used in any form forces the fat cells in the body to keep on burning even when the body stays inactive, which can help a great day in fighting obesity.

Cinnamon water Side Effects

Cinnamon water can cause few side effects if not handled with proper care and physical recommendation:-

  • Irritation and allergies: Cinnamon usually causes no side effects but heavy use could irritate the areas including the mouth and lips, causing sores. Some people are allergic to it so it might cause redness and irritation if you put it on your skin.
  • Toxicity: Eating lots of cinnamon could be toxic, especially if you have liver problems. Coumarin, an ingredient in some cinnamon products, can cause liver problems, but if the amount is so small it probably won’t be a problem. Given the lack of evidence about its safety, children, women and pregnant women who are breastfeeding should avoid cinnamon as a treatment.
  • Lower blood sugar: Cinnamon water may affect blood sugar levels, so if you have diabetes and you are taking cinnamon supplements, you might need to adjust your treatment.
  • Interactions: If you are undergoing any medication regularly, talk to your doctor before you start using cinnamon supplements. They could affect the way antibiotics,  blood thinners,  diabetes drugs, heart medicines, and others work.

Who Should Avoid Cinnamon water ?

First of all, everybody should remember that “MODERATION IS THE KEY”.Any remedy used in moderation leads to wonderful results.

Cinnamon water is adorned with an enormous number of benefits if taken in the correct manner and by the correct people.

The cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon is a throat irritant and can cause breathing problems. People with asthma or other medical conditions that affect breathing need to be especially careful of accidentally inhaling cinnamon, as they are more likely to experience trouble while breathing.

In general, both cinnamon powder and cinnamon supplements are safe for consumption. But it does contain certain compounds that might be harmful to some people, if not consumed in moderation with proper care. 

Cinnamon is of various types. The two types of cinnamon, that is Ceylon and Cassia cinnamon both contain coumarin. When coumarin is consumed in high doses, it may cause some dangerous side effects. However, as a spice, it would be unusual for anyone to consume large amounts of either type of cinnamon to cause concern.

Btw, It is always recommended to talk to the doctor before making significant changes to your diet.

How to make Cinnamon water for weight loss?

When a person is on a weight loss spree, he or she tries everything, from diet to all sort of workouts. Spending hours in the gym, cutting down on calories and so much more, but there’s one thing that not many people try and that is this magical drink made from honey and cinnamon water. Surprisingly, this simple mixture has excellent weight loss benefits. It helps you lose weight the easier way, and the best part is that it helps you melt belly fat very fats. Belly fat, which is linked to an increased risk of diabetes, heart diseases,  and some forms of cancer, is not easy to get rid of. But with honey and cinnamon, you need not worry about the belly fat now.

Steps to follow to make the drink:-

1. Boil a cup of water and add half a teaspoon of cinnamon to it.

2. Boil it for 5 minutes.

3. Remove it from the flame and allow it to cool now.

4. Once the drink cools down, add one teaspoon of honey to it

5. Stir the drink properly and consume it.

How to make Cinnamon  water with Cinnamon powder?

Cinnamon powder is made by breaking the cinnamon sticks and making a fine powder in the mixture. For a cinnamon drink, boil a few tablespoons of the powder in water. If you want to add taste, you can add honey or lemon as well.

How to make Cinnamon  water without boiling?

Cinnamon is undoubtedly loaded with various antioxidant and antibiotic properties. One of the best ways to extract all the goodness from cinnamon is to soak the stick in water and sip on it on a regular basis for amazing results.


Cinnamon water drink is a quick fat cutter drink using a cinnamon stick or cinnamon powder. This water is a wonder drink for those who are looking for drinks that aid in losing weight.

Cinnamon can do wonders to your life if taken with care.

Go try the drink and add magic to your daily lives.

Stay Safe,Stay Healthy!

Mulberry Fruit Benefits


Everyone must have tasted the delicious, sweet, fleshy, juicy mulberry at least once in his or her life. In temperate regions around the world, they hang from a genus of deciduous trees of the Moraceae family. Remember collecting these berries from the tree during your childhood? Or singing the nursery rhyme “Here we go round the mulberry bush” which we enjoyed so much? As a child, I enjoyed going to my grandmother’s backyard to pick mulberries with my cousins. Our fingers used to get stained with the dark purplish shade of the berries which we enjoyed a lot. Back then we were not aware of the multiple health benefits it possessed. 

But what is mulberry? Mulberries are sweet, succulent, tart berry fruits of the mulberry trees. They are available for a short period twice a year – from March to May and then again from October to November. There are different varieties of mulberry based on their color- white, red and black mulberry named Morus Alba, Morus rubra, and Morus nigra respectively. 

Coming to its taste. It tastes a lot like grapefruits. They are juicy and possess a mild, sweet flavor making them ideal for sherbets, jams, squashes, jellies, and pies. It is known by different names across India. It is called Malperi paḻam in Tamil, Tum̐ta Phala in Bengali, Śētūra phaḷa in Gujarati, Tutī phaḷa in Marathi, Shah-Tul in Kashmiri to name a few. 

In this article, you will learn more about this nutritious juicy fruit. So, stay tuned!

Mulberry fruit uses

  • They serve as excellent ingredients for making delicious smoothies and snacks. 
  •  Mulberry root extracts are used to soothe irritated skin.
  • Add them to your pies for strong flavor 
  • Also, you can freeze them to make mulberry ice pops.
  • It goes well with cocktails as well
  • You can make a mulberry jam or can add some other fruits as well for a mixed fruit jam.
  • Mulberries are best eaten with biscuits and whipped cream.
  • Mulberry is food for silkworms which makes it an economically essential plant for silk production.
  • They are also used to reduce blemishes and dark spots.

Mulberry benefits for Skin

Ever think of using this amazing, juicy fruit as a skincare treatment as well? Mulberries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and iron which promote a youthful, blemish-free complexion. You can use these Indian berries to pamper your skin. 

  • They are rich in vitamin A and E and help in preventing premature aging. 
  • It reduces the arrival of blemishes and age spots. All thanks to its carotenoid additives like lutein, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and so forth.
  • It can also be used to treat irritated skin. 
  • It also evens skin tone and prevents skin damage and the appearance of fine lines.
  • It helps you to get glowing skin. 
  • It is a boon for dry skin people. The Vitamin A and E in mulberry provide intense hydration to the skin. 
  • Mulberries also promote melanin synthesis, consequently resulting in a clean, rejuvenated complexion.

Nutritional Value Chart 

Every 100 g of fresh and raw mulberries contains:

Energy 43 cal
carbohydrates10 g
Protein 1.4 g
Total fat 0.4 g
Sodium 10 mg
Potassium194 mg
Vitamin C60 %
Vitamin B-65 %

Mulberry Fruit Benefits 

Mulberry fruits are not only delicious but are considered a powerhouse of nutrition as it provides a lot of health benefits. They are rich in antioxidants and nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, iron, etc. let’s see what are the other major benefits of eating mulberry.

  1. Good for digestive health: being a rich source of dietary fiber they improve the digestion process of the individual. Thus, helping in treating issues like constipation, bloating, and cramping. 

2. lowers cholesterol level: it lowers the level of both total and LDL “bad” cholesterol which is important to maintain our heart health reducing the risk of heart attack and strokes.

3.Good for the immune system: Mulberries contain a great deal of vitamin C, which strengthens your immune system against infections and foreign pathogens. As a result of the alkaloids in mulberries, the macrophages are activated, stimulating the immune system against illnesses.

4.Helps to control blood sugar levels: White mulberries are a boon for people with type 2 diabetes. It contains certain chemical compounds that resemble the medicines used to treat type-2 diabetes.


5.Improves blood circulation: Mulberries are a rich source of iron, the presence of iron encourages the production of red blood cells and also helps in curing anemia. 

The antioxidants in mulberries improve the functioning of the blood vessels by dilating them ensuring good blood flow to the heart and other body parts. 

6. Eye health: carotenoids (zeaxanthin) and antioxidants in mulberries prevent retinal damage from ultraviolet rays. They also have anti-cataract and anti-macular degeneration properties. 

The vit A in mulberry helps to strengthen our eyesight and relieves eye strains.

promotes brain health: the calcium in mulberry helps in keeping our brain healthy. It also helps to keep Alzheimer’s at bay. 

7. Reduces the risk of cancer: Its anthocyanins and pharmaceutical ingredients help in reducing the risk of cancer development. The presence of resveratrol helps to fight colon cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, etc. 

The antioxidants also play a role in reducing oxidative stress, thus decreasing the risk of cancer.

8. Good for your hair: Mulberry helps in retaining the healthy natural color of your hair by aiding in melanin production in your hair. People suffering from premature greying of the hair can get amazing benefits from mulberry consumption daily. 

9.Good for Your Lungs: Mulberry has antiviral and antibacterial properties which help in preventing colds and flu and other lung infection.

10.Good for Your Kidneys: Mulberry extracts are beneficial for those tormented by kidney harm resulting from diabetes. It improves the health of kidneys by enhancing insulin resistance, and oxidative stress, and lowering inflammation within the body.

Mulberry Fruit Benefits for Weight loss 

Mulberries are rich in fiber and low in calories making them advantageous for people who want to lose some extra inches from their bodies. The fiber pectin present in mulberry acts as a laxative thus facilitating the digestive process.

The natural compound rutin found in mulberry helps people lose fat and treat obesity.  

Can We Eat Mulberry Fruits daily?

You can consume mulberry fruits daily to enjoy its amazing health benefits. However, too much of anything is harmful to our health. Similarly, too many mulberries daily can result in unwanted side effects. You can have 40g of recommended daily amount of mulberry for a balanced and above all healthy lifestyle. 

Mulberry Fruits’ side effects

What if you are consuming too many mulberries everyday ? Well, unfortunately, it might cause a problem if you are not consuming a normal amount.  

  • Too many mulberries can drop blood sugar levels to a dangerously low level thus increasing the risk of hypoglycemia.
  • It may become the reason for your problems like indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, and bloating.
  • The white mulberry extract may cause mild skin irritation.  
  • It interferes with the absorption of Carbohydrates. 
  • It might trigger an allergic reaction in some people. 

Who Should Avoid Mulberry Fruits? 

  • Mulberries should not be consumed by people taking medications to reduce their uric acid levels.
  • It should also be avoided by those who have chronic kidney or metabolic disorders.
  • People who are suffering from type 2 diabetes should not consume it in heavy amounts.
  • People with a latex allergy should stay away from it because it might make their stomach upset.


Mulberries are superfoods with high amounts of protein, iron, vitamin C and many other nutrients present in them. These tasty, juicy fruits are not only good in taste but possess many health benefits as well. There are different types of mulberries found according to the color and place of origination. You can add these to your smoothies, juices, pies, etc to enjoy the benefits. You can also make your homemade healthy recipes using mulberries like mulberry tea or mulberry jam. 

Coriander Seeds Water Benefits

You will be surprised to know the Health Benefits of Coriander ?


 Coriander is a herb in the family of Apiaceae. Coriander is a plant. It is also known as Chinese parsley, dhania, or cilantro. All parts of the coriander plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried seeds are the parts most traditionally used in cooking.

Coriander is a very fresh-tasting spice. Its mildly sweet, lemony flavor is often harnessed in conjunction with other spices in savory recipes, you’ll often see cumin and coriander paired together for magical results. Both the leaves and fruit seeds of coriander are used as food and medicine.

Coriander is commonly called Dhania in India and Cilantro in America and Europe. It is commonly used to garnish dishes. Coriander leaves have a very pleasant aroma which adds fragrance to the food. It is used in both forms that are fresh and dried for cooking. Coriander is loaded with enormous health benefits that most of us don’t know about. This herb can be used in the treatment of skin disorders, skin inflammation, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, high cholesterol levels, anemia, menstrual disorders, indigestion, smallpox, conjunctivitis, and blood sugar disorders.

Coriander is the English name for this herb, it is scientifically called Coriandrum sativum. It is commonly named Dhaniya in Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Orissa and Punjabi, Kothambari in Kannada, Daaniwal in Kashmiri, Kothambalari in Malayalam, Dhane in Marathi, Kothamalli vidai in Tamil Dhaniyalu in Telugu.

Coriander Seeds

Coriander seeds have a pleasant lemony flavor and a very floral aroma. The flavor goes very good with cumin and many recipes that include equal amounts of the two spices. The coriander leaves and their ripened seeds taste completely different and they cannot be substituted for each other. Fresh coriander tastes pungent, and to a certain percentage of the population, it also tastes soapy.

Coriander seeds can be used to make many dishes, especially soups, stews, Indian curries, stir-fries, and a base ingredient for making spice mixes and marinades.

Coriander Seeds Water

coriander seeds water benefits

Morning rituals are undoubtedly a great way to kickstart your day. Drinking coriander water in the morning can help strengthen your hair, improve skin health, and aid in weight loss.

To make coriander water, all you have to do is soak one tablespoon of coriander seeds in one cup of drinking water, overnight. In the morning, strain the seeds and drink the coriander water.

You may dry the coriander seeds and later use them in cooking, as usual.

Coriander Seeds Water for weight loss

Coriander water is undoubtedly the best bet at the moment as it can boost your immunity. The antioxidants present in coriander help in reducing the free radical activity. It keeps the defense mechanism boosted and helps lose weight too. The first step towards a successful weight loss journey is good digestion.

First of all, Put the coriander seeds in the boiling water and let them bubble for a minute or so. Remove the water from the flame and let it cool for some time. Keep the water with the dhania seeds overnight and filter that water in the morning. As a result, coriander seeds help the body in shedding excess water weight, in a healthy and natural way.

Benefits of Coriander Seeds Water

Benefits of Coriander Water for overall health:-

  1. Boosts immunity: Coriander is known to be the best for boosting immunity, as the antioxidants present in coriander help in reducing free radical activity in the body. Keeping your body’s first line of defence boosted can help fight many diseases, including COVID-19 disease, which is currently demolishing the entire world.

    Helps in digestion and boosts weight loss: Coriander has magical digestive properties which have made it a popular seed to be used in Iranian medicine for digestive troubles. Drinking coriander water in the morning can help improve digestion, and boosts metabolism too. Both these properties can help aid the weight loss process consecutively.
  2. Strengthens the hair: Coriander is known to be rich in vitamins like Vitamin C, K, and A. All these are very vital for hair growth and strength. Drinking coriander water in the morning can help reduce hair breakage and hair loss. Additionally, you can also apply coriander oil or hair masks too.

  3. Reduces acne, pigmentation and scars: Coriander is rich in iron and has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties. Drinking coriander water in the morning can help you achieve a radiant glow, and give you smooth, clear skin.

  4. Helps to flush out toxins: Coriander is a diuretic, and can therefore help you flush out the toxins from the body. Drinking coriander water in the morning can help you detox your system and start afresh.

    Coriander seeds prevents menstrual disorders: Being an excellent stimulant, coriander seeds helps in maintaining proper levels of secretion from the endocrine glands. Hormones when secreted in the right amount and at proper intervals helps to regulate various body functions, especially menstruation in women. Coriander seeds also reduce menstrual pain.

Having a morning ritual can help you kickstart your day and feel more detoxed, energized and healthy.

Nutritional Value of Coriander in 100 g

CaloriesNet Weight% Daily Value
Total Fat0.5g1
Total Carbohydrate3.7g1
Dietary Fibre2.8g10


Benefits of coriander seeds soaked in water for Thyroid

Dhania is packed with enormous nutrients and various antioxidants that protect the body against certain diseases. Drinking Dhania water or Coriander seeds soaked overnight in water is beneficial for the thyroid due to its high mineral and vitamin content.

It is found in most homes and is easily available, coriander is one of the most commonly used and beneficial herbs. Not only does it have a fresh aromatic fragrance, but coriander is also rich in antioxidants, which can aid a person in different ways. Furthermore, Dhania is one of the most readily available organic produce in the market and is free from every sort of pesticide and other harmful chemicals. Whether it is the stems, leaves, or even seeds, there are many ways of using Dhania water for the thyroid. One of the most general ways to make coriander water for the thyroid is by using coriander seeds. These seeds consist of vitamins and minerals that help to reduce the infection-causing bacteria in the body. To make coriander water for the thyroid, you need to mix two tablespoons of coriander seeds in a glass of warm water. Once the seeds are completely soaked, strain the water and drink it on an empty stomach every morning. If you cannot drink the water as it is, you can also add some honey for taste.

Alternatively, a different way to make coriander water for the thyroid is by adding coriander seeds to some water and letting it boil for 15 to 20 minutes. Once the water is reduced, just remove it from heat and strain the water aside. Then, transfer the coriander water to a glass and drink it for magical results.


Benefits of Coriander Cumin Seeds water (Dhania Jeera water) 

Food plays a vital role in a healthy lifestyle. Hence, we bring you an easy detox drink, which can help to take a step towards healthy living and healthy eating. Presenting this Jeera-Dhania drink can help to flush out the toxins from the body and make your skin soft, healthy, and glowing.

The most common benefit of coriander-cumin seeds water known to many is to soothe the stomach, intestine, and entire digestive tract. It is an appetite stimulant and aids in the secretion of gastric juices.

How much Coriander Seeds Water to take in a day?

  • Here is the recommended intake for coriander-

    0 to 6 months: 4 milligrams or 6 IU per day

  • 1 to 3 years: 6 milligrams or 9 IU

    4 to 8 years: 7 milligrams or 10.4 IU

9 to 13 years: 11 milligrams or 16.4 IU

14 years and above: 15 milligrams or 22.4 IU

Breastfeeding women: 19 milligrams or 28.4 IU

Can we drink Coriander Seeds Water daily?

Coriander has very good digestive properties and this is also used in many medicines made to relieve digestive troubles. Just like cumin water, coriander also detoxes the body by flushing out the toxins. Drinking a glass of coriander water every morning also helps to keep our gut healthy.

Coriander Seeds Water side effects

Excess intake of Dhania seeds can lead to different side effects like nausea, headaches diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, dizziness, and gas. It can drastically decrease blood sugar levels below severe levels in people with diabetes.

People with diabetes should consult their doctors before drinking coriander water in the morning, as it can lower their blood sugar levels and can lead to hypoglycemia.

Coriander is LIKELY SAFE in food amounts and POSSIBLY SAFE for most people when taken by mouth in appropriate amounts.

When taken by mouth or inhaled, coriander can cause allergic reactions too. Symptoms of such reactions can include hives, nasal swelling, asthma, or swelling inside the mouth. These reactions appear to be the most common in people who work with spices in the food industry.

When coriander comes in contact with the skin, it can cause skin inflammation and irritation.

The appropriate dose of coriander depends on several factors such as the user’s health, age, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for dhania. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages are quite important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or another healthcare professional before using any natural products or remedy too.

So, it is better to take it with proper recommendation.

Who Should Avoid Coriander Seeds Water?

Coriander seed does not usually have any side effects but the seeds may induce allergy in those who handle it because of its volatile nature. It may cause redness and itching. Pregnant women though should not take coriander seed in excess.

How to make Coriander Seeds Water for weight loss?

Making coriander water is very simple. You just have to take one teaspoon of Dhania seeds and soak them in one glass of water overnight. Strain the water within the morning and drink it. Do not throw the soaked seeds as you can use them for cooking.At present, everyone is working very hard to keep their immunity uptight. This water can undoubtedly be the best bet at this moment as it can boost our immunity.

The antioxidants present in dhania help in reducing the free radical activity and keeps your defense mechanism boosted.Moreover, it helps you lose weight too.

How to make Coriander Seeds Water?


  • 2 tbsp Coriander Seeds, Sabut Dhania

  • 1 Litre Water




  • Heat the water till it’s lukewarm and take off the heat.

    Add the coriander seeds to the water and let them release the flavors for at least 4 hours.
  • After 4 hours, use clean hands to crush the seeds a bit and let the crushed seeds settle in the water for 10 minutes.Use a strainer to strain the seeds from the water.

  • Drink the water.

  • METHOD 2
  • Bring the water to a boil.

  • Turn off the heat.

    Immediately add the coriander seeds to the hot water and let them release the flavors for 15 minutes.
  • Strain the water and discard the seeds.

    Drink the water.

How to make Coriander Cumin Seed  Water (Dhania Jeera water)?

Step 1. Soak half teaspoon jeera and dhania, each in a glass of water overnight.


Step 2. The next morning, boil the water and strain it within a glass.

 Step 3. Add some honey, pink salt, and half lemon juice and consume. You can avoid the lemon if you have acidity trouble.

Jeera-dhania water helps to boost energy and strengthens your immunity. Drink this detox water every morning and give a healthy as well as a refreshing start to your day.

Stay safe!

How to make Coriander Seeds Water without boiling?

To prepare coriander water without boiling, you need to soak 1 tablespoon of coriander seeds overnight in 1 cup of drinking water. The next morning, strain the seeds out and drink the water in an empty stomach.

Drink this body detox drink and keep yourself healthy and refreshed.



Ajwain Water Benefits


Spices play an important role in Indian cooking. In every Indian household, ajwain is a staple spice and  contains many health-promoting properties.  Without ajwain, dal tadka is incomplete. Ajwain seeds are known by different names in different languages around the globe.

 It is called carom seeds or Bishop’s seeds in english. In Sanskrit it is called as Ugragandha, jowan in bengali, omam in tamil, Yavano in gujarati, Ajwain in punjabi. India, Afghanistan and Iran are the main producers of Ajwain seeds.

Ajwain is predominantly composed of thymol, which has  antibacterial and antiseptic properties. The flavor of ajwain is bitter and pungent, like oregano.

 It is frequently used for preparing pulses, vegetables, pickles, and other dishes in Indian cuisine. As a flavoring agent, ajwain is used to make rotis, parathas, salty baked biscuits, and so on in many parts of India. Ajwain is also added to lentils, root vegetables, beans, potatoes, etc. This spice fulfills a dual purpose of adding flavor and being healthy at the same time.

Nutrition Facts

Here is the nutritional value for 100 gm of this spice:




305 kcal

Total fat








Total carbohydrates


Dietary fiber







1692 mgrams


5.67 mgrams

Folate (vitamin B9)

51.79 mcgrams

Ajwain Water

Ajwain has been a very famous and extensively used spice in Indian cooking. These spices not only add flavor to dishes, but they also provide a lot of health benefits since they are packed with vitamins and minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Adding to your water is another way to take advantage of these wonder seeds. This can be a more effective way of treating a health problem. If you suffer from digestive issues, acidity, weight gain or irregular menses to name  a few, then Ajwain water is a godsend. Drinking it in the morning on an empty stomach is one of the best things you can do for your health.

Benefits of Ajwain Water

For Weight loss

 Ajwain water  helps to reduce weight by controlling the cholesterol and triglycerides level in the body. It helps dissolve the body fat and detoxifies the body by removing toxins. Moreover, it aids in weight loss by improving digestion.

From Acidity and Indigestion

 Ajwain water is a common remedy for acidity and indigestion in Indian households. Through its active enzymes, ajwain helps boost digestion by facilitating gastric juice release. Its antioxidant and antispasmodic properties reduce the effect of gastric ulcers.

Menstrual cramps

Ajwain water can rescue you from the painful menstrual cramps. It works as a nerve tonic and is an excellent muscle relaxant, decreasing the menstrual cramps. Soak the ajwain seeds overnight and have it the next morning on an empty stomach.

Ajwain water benefits for Periods

The anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties of Ajwain seeds help getting regular menstrual period . Boil one teaspoon of ajwain with 1 teaspoon jaggery in a glass of water. Have a warm concoction early in the morning on an empty stomach.

For Pregnancy

The thymol present in ajwain enhances the digestive system which may be slowed down due to the hormonal imbalances in pregnancy. Ajwain water prevents constipation, bloating, flatulence and helps strengthen the uterus wall.

For Liver and kidney malfunction

The antilithiatic property of ajwain helps in lowering the risk of kidney stone formation. It is also useful to treat and reduce the pain due to kidney and liver disorders.

For Respiratory Problems

The antitussive and bronchodilatory effects of Ajwain helps in relieving and treating many respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis. Ajwain water cleans mucus from the body and provides relief from cold and cough. sipping on a glass of ajwain water is all you have when you are suffering from a cold.

For Infections

The antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antiparasitic properties of ajwain makes it an ideal choice to fight infections. It fights against the growth of bacteria and fungi.

For Babies

 Ajwain is beneficial for babies as well. Ajwain water can be introduced in their diet from 8 months of age, but only 2-3 tsp per day at the maximum. It reliefs digestive problems like stomach pain, indigestion, constipation etc.

 For Heart disease

Ajwain is effective in reducing blood pressure. The antihyperlipidemic properties of ajwain help reduce increased cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body, thus providing a protective shield against heart diseases.

For Inflammation, Pain, and Arthritis

The anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties help reduce inflammation and pain in the body. It is also proven to cure toothache. It also helps deal better in arthritis pain and swelling.

 For Diabetes

Ajwain water is great for people with diabetes. It helps in maintaining weight which is important in diabetes.  Its high fiber content helps to stabilize blood sugar thus helping diabetic people.

How much ajwain water to take in a day?

Ajwain water can be taken two times daily. However, upto three glasses of ajwain water is also safe.

Can we drink Ajwain water daily?

Yes, we can drink ajwain water daily. Having ajwain water daily in the morning can be a more effective way of treating a health problem. It improves your gut health, makes your digestive system stronger and helps remove toxins. Maintain a gap of half an hour between eating ajwain and having your breakfast. However, crossing the limit of consumption of ajwain water can lead to serious health problems.

Ajwain water side effects

Ajwain water is beneficial to health in a number of ways when consumed in limited amounts. But do you know it is associated with many side effects as well? Taking ajwain water in more than recommended amounts can result in adverse side effects that are harmful to the health.

  • Acidity and gastritis: if you are taking ajwain water in excess amount it can result in acidity and reflux.
  • Liver problem: over consumption of ajwain water can lead to liver problems like liver cirrhosis and ulcerative colitis.
  • Headache and dizziness: Thymol, which is the main constituent of ajwain, causes headache and dizziness if taken in high amounts.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: If not taken in moderate amounts it causes irritation of the throat which leads to nausea and vomiting.
  • Skin irritation: Increases the body temperature thus causing several problems like rashes and skin diseases. So, avoid overconsuming it especially during the summer season.
  • Not good for pregnant women: if taken into moderate amounts it provides a lot of benefits during pregnancy. But if you are consuming it a lot it will lead to several problems. It  increases the body temperature thus causing several diseases during pregnancy.

Who Should Avoid Ajwain Water?

  • People suffering from low sperm count should avoid consuming ajwain water as it is believed to reduce the sperm count.
  • People having liver disease should cautiously use ajwain water as it can worsen the condition.
  • People taking blood thinning medications should cautiously use ajwain water as Ajwain has blood thinning properties and might slow blood clotting.
  • People with acid peptic disorders should avoid Ajwain water, as it increases  gastric secretions.

Types Of Ajwain Water Recipes

How to make Ajwain Water?

All you need to make this wonder drink is ajwain seeds and water. And now you are ready to go.

  1. Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan and add 2 tablespoons of ajwain/carom seeds.
  2. Boil it till it becomes half.
  3. Take a glass and strain out the seeds.
  4. Serve the ajwain water in glasses.

How to make Ajwain Jeera water?

Ajwain jeera water has Cumin seeds (jeera) and Carom seeds (ajwain) as its magical ingredients. It provides relief from acidity and digestive problems. This drink is very easy to prepare.

  1. Take a glass/jar of water and add jeera (1 tablespoon) and ajwain(1/2 tablespoon)  in it.
  2. Stir the glass very well and leave it overnight.
  3. Strain the water in the morning and sip  the water first thing in the morning.

How to make  Jeera Ajwain Saunf Water?

one should try jeera ajwain saunf water to derive the inexplicable health benefits provided by this powerful mixture of spices. The jeera ajwain saunf water benefits everyone who takes it in the morning.

  1. Add jeera (1 tablespoon) , ajwain(1 tablespoon) and saunf(1 tablespoon) in a glass/jar or water.
  2. Stir the mixture well and soak it overnight.
  3. Strain the water in the morning and sip  the water first thing in the morning.


Ajwain is an Indian spice  long been used in Indian cuisines and for its tremendous health benefits. Ajwain seeds possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antispasmodic properties. It is the common Indian household solution for digestive problems, acidity and weight loss. It also helps in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body. Having ajwain water is the most efficient way to derive the benefits of these seeds.

Carom seeds are generally considered safe if consumed in limited amounts. Overdosing it will result in harmful side effects.

Curd Rice Recipe from Brown Rice | Tasty Brown Rice Recipe

tasty simple easy brown rice recipe
Curd rice From brown rice

I love curd rice during summer season. Curd rice is the easy and simple recipe to make borwn rice tasty. It doesn’t take much preparation time and if the brown rice is precooked then this recipe is an instant brown rice recipe which tastes yummy. I add green cucumber and pomegranate salad to this brown rice recipe and it gives very nice color and taste to it.

In summers we feel prefer to eat light colorful lunch with lots of fruits vegetables and some easy to digest carbs and proteins.

There are lots of ways to make this curd rice recipe colorful as well as healthy

  • Make curd rice with soft cooked brown rice
  • For yellow /orange  color topping in curd rice you can add fresh ripen mango, yellow bell pepper (yellow capsicum), ripen papaya pieces, carrot pieces etc.
  • For red color topping, you can add pomegranate, red bell pepper (red capsicum) ,
  • For green color topping you an add cucumber, coriander leaves and we also add green curry leaves.
  • You can do lots of variations in curd rice to make it look good, tasty as well as healthy.

Brown rice has lots of health benefits and it is rich in nutritional values. This recipe makes it a complete afternoon meal. Brown rice tastes bland; we have to be creative with its recipes to make it tasty. You can make variety of recipes from brown rice like brown rice pudding, brown rice salad, lemon rice from brown rice, brown rice pulav, brown rice dosa.

[box]Also check – Lemon Rice Recipe [/box]

As I I said this recipe doesn’t require much preparation. You can do lots of variation in this recipe as you start making it. I do variations in tempering of curd rice. Curry leaves and mustard seeds are a must in this tempering. You can change the other ingredients as per the availability. In the typical south Indian style, urad dal and chana dal are used for tempering. It is absent in the Maharashtriyan style. Well I love both the variations! In some Marathi families, curd rice recipe is simple plain curd rice with sugar. Generally they eat it at the end of the meal.IMG_1152

Tips for making curd rice at home 

  • If your making curd rice for lunch box or for travelling avoid adding fruits and raw vegetables to it and increase the ratio of milk to curd, make it 3:1. Keep the consistency little thin as compared to the normal curd rice when you want to pack it for lunch box or travelling.
  • If you want to feed curd rice made from brown rice to babies or toddlers, use food processor or hand blender to mix curd milk and rice. It will smash the brown rice nicely.
  • Add hot milk immediately in cooked rice and keep the container closed for some time. It will make the curd rice soft.
  • You can make curd rice without adding fruits or vegetables. Just pour nice tempering of curry leaves and mustard seeds on it.
  • Add curd when the mixure of rice and milk becomes cold.

Your tasty curd rice from brown rice with some salads and a nice tempering of south Indian and maharastrian combination is ready now! Do share your queries and suggestion for this recipe.

[ingredients title=”Ingredients required for curd rice from brown rice “]

  • ½ cup brown rice.
  • 1 ½ cup water to cook brown rice
  • 1 teaspoon butter /ghee
  • 1 cup curd
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped mangoes or yellow bell pepper (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon pomegranate seeds (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon cucumber finely chopped (optional)

For tempering of curd rice

  • 1 -2 teaspoon oil
  • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera)
  • 10 – 15 curry leaves
  • 1 pinch of Asafoetida
  • 1 teaspoon urad dal (split black lentil)
  • 1-2 green chilis


[directions title=”Step By Step Directions to make Curd Rice”]

  1. Wash brown rice 3-4 times with clean water

    soak brown rice in water for 1/2 an hour
    soak brown rice in water for 1/2 an hour
  2. Soak it with 1 ½ cup of water for around ½ an hour.

    soaked brown rice
    soaked brown rice
  3. Put the soaked brown rice with water, ½ teaspoon salt and 1teaspoon ghee in pressure cooker, keep it on flames. When it starts boiling, close the lid and cook it on low flames for 6-7 minutes.IMG_1130IMG_1132
  4. Open the pressure cooker the pressure is released.IMG_1133
  5. Add hot milk in the cooked brown rice and close the lid. Keep it closed for 10- 12 minutes.
  6. Mix it and let it cool down. When it’s cold add curd and mix it nicely.
  7. Add all the vegetables or fruits you want to add.brown rice recipe
  8. Now for tempering, heat the oil in a pan. Add urad dal and mustard seeds. When mustard seeds start crackling, add jeera (cumin seeds), curry leaves, green chilies and sauté it for a few second.

    curd rice tempering
    tempering for curd rice
  9. Pour this tempering on curd rice with vegetables or fruits. Mix it properly.tempering on curd rice made from brown rice
  10. Serve curd rice with pickles or fresh fruits of summers. It’s a light healthy meal for your summer afternoon.

    tasty brown rice recipe -indian curd rice
    brown recipe – curd rice


Raw Mango Chutney with Mint leaves | Kaccha aam Pudina ki chutney | Kairi Chatni recipe

kaccha aam pudina chutney
pudina chutney with raw mango

This raw mango(kaccha aam / kairi) pudina chutney will simply refresh your taste buds in summers.  This chutney is sour & spicy with a nice mint flavor. You can eat it with dosa , idli ,paratha or as companion with any type of meal.

[box]Also check– 3 Easy pudina chutney recipes[/box]

I have used roasted peanuts (moongphalli / dane) to give nice thickness and texture to this chutney. You can also add fresh coconut or roasted Bengal gram (chatni wali dal / dallya) to make this chutney.

 Tips for making pudina / mint chutney green

  1. Never grind pudina chutney with salt. Add salt after you grind pudina chutney.
  2. Add lemon juice or curd or raw mango in pudina chutney to keep it green in color.
  3. Add coriander leaves with pudina to make your chutney green.

[ingredients title=”Ingredients to make raw mango (kaccha aam) pudina chutney”]

For pudina raw mango chutney–

  • 1 cup fresh pudina leaves(mint leaves)
  • ½ cup peeled raw mango pieces (kacche aam ke pieces/ kairi )
  • 2 green chilies
  • 6-7 garlic cloves
  • 1 small onion pieces
  • 1 teaspoon jeera (cumin seeds)
  • ¼ cup roasted peanut (moongphalli / dane)/ fresh grated coconut (kachha nariyal)
  • ½ cup coriander leaves (dhaniya patta / kothimbir)
  • Salt to taste

For tempering —

  • 1 teaspoon oil
  • 1 teaspoon jeera
  • 1 pinch of Asafoetida
  • 10-15 curry leaves(kadi – patta)


[directions title=”Directions”]

  1. Take all the ingredients of pudina chutney in mixer jar, add little water and make fine paste of it.
  2. Heat oil add jeera ,Asafoetida and curry leaves to it .when the curry leaves becomes crispy add this  tempering on chutney.


Feeling hungry at night –Healthy late night snacks Ideas


“If we are not meant to have midnight snacks, why is there a light in the fridge…”

Last night I was chatting with my best friend and come to know that she was eating Chiwda and Sharbat as midnight snacks. I wanted to tell her don’t you have some good options to eat to satisfy your midnight hunger. Then I thought to pen down this article. It’s a long time I was not active on my blog but this one instance motivated me to start writing again.

What to Ask yourself before eating anything at midnight

If we eat anything after dinner our body more likely to store those calories as fats and gain weight rather than burn it as energy.

So ask yourself

“Am I really Hungry?”

And if you just had your dinner ask yourself “What is really going on that is making my desire to snack so high right now?

Is it simply out of Habit? Is it that you’re feeling Anxious, Angry or over-whelmed, Lonely or depressed, Tired or bored?

If you eat for any of these non-hunger reasons, tell your stomach “Dear stomach you are not hungry you are bored …so shut up “ 🙂

 By asking this question you can monitor your behavior pattern and identify what triggers you to eat at night will help to break the cycle of emotional eating.But if you are really hungry try out this easy midnight snacks which will make you feel satiated.

Healthy Midnight snacks

I have divided midnight snacks into three parts







Light snacks

Chikki- peanut chikki ,sesame chikki, puffed rice chikki ,

Dried fruits – almonds, walnuts, plain pistachios (not salted)

Boiled sprouts/ chana/ any Beans with tomatoes

Homemade popcorn

Nuts and seeds- pumpkin seeds

If you eat eggs- egg whites

Yoghurt /curd with jaggery ,nuts and dried fruits

Healthy smoothies made from low fat yoghurt

Mini meal

Simple tomato or cucumber sandwitch made up of whole wheat or multigrain bread

Roles /wraps

Gud ghee role


Cumin Powder | Ground cumin | How to make Cumin Powder |Jeera Powder

Cumin Powder | Ground Cumin | Jeera powder

how to make cumin seed powder or ground cumin
Cumin Seed Powder | Jeera Powder

If Cumin Powder /Jeera Powder is ready at home you can add it many recipes like raita, gravies, salads, chaach and many health drinks. This powder not only enhances the taste of the food but has lots of health benefits. Cumin powder or ground cumin has a warm, nutty, spicy earthy flavor and Aroma.  Cumin powder is made by grinding roasted Cumin seeds in grinder. Cumin powder or ground Cumin enhances the taste of many Indian, Mexican and Vietnamese cuisine.

Why to make Cumin powder (Jeera Powder)at home??

Most of the people think that it’s very   difficult and time consuming  but but it takes very less time and not at all difficult if you buy good quality spices.I always try to make masala powders  like Garam Masala, sambar masala, Goda masala, many Spice powder like  Cumin seed powder, mint powder, coriander powder, fennel seed powder, cardamom seed powder , cinnamon powder, Clove powder etc. at home.   The reason behind making the spice powder home is  all the spices have highly volatile oil in them and once the spices are ground and packaged  the quickly lose their precious volatile oil  which we actually want to increase the flavour and taste of our recipe. The other thing is spices are very expensive and most of the time companies use low quality spices to cut cost. And sometimes even don’t put in all required spices as they are very expensive. Once powdered who knows what went in. That is the reason why I  bring  whole spices and make the masala powders at home.

In market we can easily get Cumin powder but homemade Cumin powder is not only easy to make but has very nice Aroma as compared to the readymade one. Cumin is the spice which has high volatile Oil content and once ground, the flavor starts to dissipate quickly.   When we make cumin powder at home its better to make it in little quantity to get that strong flavour.

[Box]Also Check-How to make Spungy Soft Dahi vada[/box]

Health benefits of Cumin Powder (Jeera Powder)

Cumin seeds and Cumin powder not only tastes best but it has lots of health benefits.

  • Cumin seeds promotes digestion by increasing the activity of digestive enzymes. Many people drink cumin seed water when the stomach is upset. To make cumin seed water, Mix one teaspoon of cumin powder and ½ lemon juice with warm water. It helps to improve digestion.
  •  Cumin seeds are also a very rich source of iron. It contains almost 20% of daily iron in one teaspoon.
  • Many diabetic people drink cumin seed water to lower the blood sugar.
  • Consuming Cumin seeds in daily diet may help to improve blood cholesterol.
  • Many studies show that that cumin seeds make help to promote weight loss and fat reduction.

Cumin seeds has lots of health benefits but rather than eating as a supplement I prefer to use cumin seeds and cumin powder in my daily cooking.

What is Cumin powder (Jeera Powder) used for

ground cumin at home Cumin Powder | Jeera powder

How to use Cumin/ Jeera Powder ??

Well Once the Cumin powder is ready we can use it in many dishes and drinks.

  • Cumin powder is added in raita. it tastes best in bundi raita, cucumber raita, onion raita etc
  • Cumin powder is also used in kachumber which is made as a side dish with pulav or biriyani.
  • Cumin powder is also  a main ingredient to make chat.
  • Cumin powder is also added in many curries, gravies and even in dal.
  • Cumin powder is also used make cumin tea.  Cumin tea is best for weight loss, acidity and at the same time  it relieves stress.
  • Cumin powder is  used in many Indian  healthy drinks like  Chaach, Matha, Shikanji, Jaljeera, Aam Panna.

Tips to make Cumin Powder (Jeera Powder) at home

  • I prefer to make Cumin powder by using organic Cumin seeds.
  • Clean the Cumin seeds by removing all the little stones.
  • Clean the Cumin seeds by slightly rubbing it with muslin cloth, don’t wash Cumin seeds to clean it.
  • Roast the Cumin seeds on low to medium flame otherwise you will end up burning the Essential oil in it. Steer the seeds continuously while roasting.
  • Don’t roast Cumin seeds for more than 2-3 minutes.
  • Grind the seeds when they are cool down.

I have explained step by step directions to make cumin seeds powder or ground cumin seeds at home. Do share your comment and suggestion for this recipe.

[ingredients title=”Ingredients requires to make Cumin Seed  Powder | Jeera Powder”]

  • 50 gms of Cumin Seeds | Jeera
  • pinch of Rock salt / Pink Salt / Black salt (optional)


[directions title=”Step By Step Directions to Make Cumin Seed Powder | Jeera Powder”]

  1.  Clean the Cumin Seeds Jjeera)By removing all the small stones in it . If the Stones are very small , use sieve to seperate fine stones. Now a days  cumin seeds are very clean and comes without stones , but check it before making powder.
  2. We Dont know where it is kept before packaging , so  Clean the cumin seeds by rubbing it gently with muslin cloth. Dont Wash Cumin Seeds to clean it as you will loose the aroma by washing it .
  3. Now roast the Cumin Seeds on low to medium flame for 2-3 minutes. Roast it on low flame otherwise you wiil endup burning the essential oil in it. Steer the seeds continuously while roasting.IMG_20190212_131426405
  4. Remove the roasted seeds from the pan and let it cool down completely.
  5. Put the roasted seeds in mixer jar and add little salt in it. I add Rock salt (Sendha namak) or Black salt to in my cumin seed powder. Adding salt is optional. I made this Cumin powder for seasoning , so I am adding salt in it .IMG_20190212_131747230
  6. Grind it in to coarse powder, dont make a fine Cumin seed powder.IMG_20190212_131853768

    How to make cumin powder or ground cumin
    Cumin Powder | Jeera Powder



Cauliflower Curry Recipe | How to Make Cauliflower Curry | Gobhi Curry Recipe

Tasty Cauliflower recipe
Cauliflower Curry recipe With Spicy coconut gravy

Winter is the season of cauliflower and green leafy vegetables. In Delhi each and every vegetable vendor has heap of cauliflower ,  green leafy, green peas gajar Muli shalgam. Being a  vegetarian I cannot make any vegetable in  a  same way.  In Delhi we get a particular set of vegetable in winters and summers. And I myself prefer to buy seasonal vegetables. So I have only 7-8 options of vegetables in each season. So each of the vegetable should be made in at least 4 to 5 ways so that my kids will enjoy!

Cauliflower Curry

I make cauliflower dry and  with gravy or Curry.  Dry  cauliflower with green peas ,potatoes or  without adding anything.   When I make cauliflower curry I make the  gravy  with onion tomatoes, coconut onion or typical Hyderabadi style gravy.
This cauliflower curry recipe is the typical combination of Hyderabadi and Maharashtrian style gravy which everyone loves in my home. Many times I make Shev Bhaji rassa  with same ingredients which I had used to make this gravy.  This Cauliflower Curry is without onion-tomatoes gravy . It is spicy and a treat for  spicy food lovers.  I add my homemade Garam Masala  in this gravy , this gives nice aromatic flavour to cauliflower curry. Cauliflower curry goes very well with  roti, phulka, plain paratha or  rice.

[box]Also Check – Lauki Kofta Curry recipe[/box]

How to make cauliflower curry tasty, healthy as well as low in calories

Cauliflower Has lots of health benefits if it is eaten in proper way .Most of the people add   Deep fried cauliflower in cauliflower curry.  Because of that this curry becomes high in calories and even I feel it gives typical acidity kind of feeling after eating it. It also burns lot of Nutrition present in the Vegetables.
I add little oil in my iron kadai or iron tawa and roast the vegetable keep it covered for sometime and it gets  cooked  with a nice crispy layer.  The best part of cooking in iron Kadai or iron tawa  it enhances the test of the vegetable and also  increases its nutritional value


What is the best way to cook cauliflower??

Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable  which needs to be correctly cook and you will likely to  hate it.  If you eat raw in test almost like chalk but when you cook it there is particular smell coming out from it   due to high mineral content which is not pleasant for everyone. Overcooked and slow boiling cauliflower lefts in the house and  that will hang around for hours. Actually cauliflower is very  tasteless if you eat it raw but bad cooking method  is the real culprit to give that unwanted smell. The cauliflower cells breakdown during the long cooking  and slow boiling, it releases smelly sulphurous compounds. However if cauliflower is cooked  quicker  the cells don’t break down enough to release that unpleasant order. you can even eat it raw in your salad,  eat it steamed with Sprinkle of salt  and butter.

  • Cauliflower goes very well with potatoes (Gobhi Aloo) and green peas (Gobhi Matar).
  • Cauliflower  all  tastes best when it is stir fried with  little oil or butter.
  • Don’t over cook cauliflower,  it tastes really bad when it is overcooked.
  • Benefits of eating cauliflower

How to select good cauliflower?

Most of the people  buy pure white cauliflower  because they think that it’s uncontaminated cauliflower but actually when cauliflower is exposed to Sun it turns little yellow. That doesn’t mean that it is bad in fact it has developed with even more phytonutrients.  Many farmers for the same reason unpick  perfectly good   cauliflower heads and left it in the field because farmer thinks they can’t sell it.

Off White to Light yellow Cauliflower
Off White to Light yellow Cauliflower . Image Source- http://www.gardeninginadress.com

So whenever you go to the vegetable vendor buy off white colour yellow cauliflower .

Cauliflower Curry recipe

In this cauliflower  curry recipe  I had  made the gravy  with coconut ,onion and  poppy seeds ( khus khus). This curry is thick and spicy  goes very well with chapati, roti, phulka and rice. I hope you will like the recipe  do share your comments and suggestion for the recipe.
[ingredients title=”Ingredients required to make cauliflower curry”]
  • 750 grams of Cauliflower
  • 1 tbsp  khus khus
  • 2 chopped onions
  • 1/2 cup grated coconut
  •   7-8  garlic cloves
  • 3/4 inch  Ginger
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds(jeera)
  • 1-2  bay leaves
  • 1   and1/2  teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 2 teaspoon Kashmiri chilli powder
  • 1 teaspoon Garam Masala
  • 3 tablespoon filtered mustard oil or groundnut oil
  •   salt to taste


[directions title=”Directions to make cauliflower curry”]

  1. Cut cauliflower into  medium size florets. Cauliflower should  be washed nicely.   Keep it in hot water with 1 tablespoon of salt  and 1 cap of vinegar.  You can also wash it with potassium permanganate water.
  2. Lightly roast  poppy seeds( khus khus)  in kadai.Put the roasted  poppy seeds(  khus khus)  in mortar and pestle.
  3. In the same kadai  heat 1 tablespoon of oil. Add nicely washed  cauliflower florets in it.
  4. Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1/2 teaspoon of salt in it. Stir it on high flames  for 2 to 3 minutes.
  5. Close the lid and let the cauliflower cook  on low flame. When it gets cooked remove it from the kadai.
  6. In the same kadai heat 1 teaspoon of oil and Add chopped onion in it.Roast it until it becomes light brown.
  7. Add grated dry coconut in roasted onion and keep it  roasting until it becomes light brown.Let the mixture cool down.
  8. Crush The poppy seeds mortar and pestle. Add this  Crushed poppy seeds in the mixture of onion and coconut.Also Add small pieces of ginger and garlic in it . Add little water in the mixture   and make a fine paste of it. Masala   for cauliflower curry is ready.
  9. Heat one and half  tablespoon of oil  in the same kadai. Add cumin seeds and  bay leaf to it.
  10. Add fine paste of  masala which we have made for cauliflower  curry in it also Add one teaspoon of salt  in it.
  11. On medium   flames  roast the mixture until it becomes little dry.Now  add turmeric powder, red chilli powder, corriander powder and Garam Masala in it.
    Mix it nicely.
  12. Add one to one and half glass of water in this roasted masala.  Water can be  according to the consistency  of the gravy required.
    Once  it starts boiling keep the flames  low for 2 to 3 minutes.
  13. Add cauliflower in the gravy, mix it  and let it cook 1 to 2 minute. Don’t overcook the cauliflower.Garnish it with fresh coriander.
  14. Cauliflower curry is ready to serve. Serve it with Roti, chapati,  phulka or rice..


How To Make Cauliflower Curry With Step Step Directions with photos.

Cut cauliflower into  medium size florets

Keep it in hot water with 1 tablespoon of salt  and 1 cap of vinegar.
Lightly roast  poppy seeds( khus khus)  in kadai.
Put the roasted  poppy seeds(  khus khus)  in mortar and pestle and crush it.IMG_2414

 In the same kadai  heat 1 tablespoon of oil. Add nicely washed  cauliflower florets in it.IMG_2418

Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1/2 teaspoon of salt in it. Stir it on high flames  for 2 to 3 minutes.IMG_2419Close the lid and let the cauliflower cook  on low flame. When it gets cooked remove it from the kadai.IMG_2420IMG_2427

Heat  1 teaspoon of oil and Add chopped onion in itIMG_2407

Roast it until it becomes light brown.IMG_2408

Add grated dry coconut in roasted onion IMG_2411keep it  roasting until coconut becomes light brown.IMG_2412

Let the mixture cool down.

Add Crushed poppy seeds in the mixture of onion and coconut.Also Add small pieces of ginger and garlic in it .IMG_2415

Add little water in the mixture   and make a fine paste of it. Masala   for cauliflower curry is ready.IMG_2424

Heat one and half  tablespoon of oil  in the same kadai. Add cumin seeds and  bay leaf to it. Add fine paste of  masala which we have made for cauliflower  curry in it also Add one teaspoon of salt  in it.IMG_2426

On medium  flames  roast the mixture until it becomes little dry.Now  add turmeric powder, red chilli powder, corriander powder and Garam Masala in it.IMG_2433

Mix it nicely.IMG_2434

Add one to one and half glass of water in this roasted masala.  Water can be  according to the consistency  of the gravy required.IMG_2435

Once  it starts boiling keep the flames  low for 2 to 3 minutes.IMG_2437

Add cauliflower in the gravy, mix it  and let it cook 1 to 2 minute. Don’t overcook the cauliflower.IMG_2438

Garnish it with fresh coriander.IMG_2454
Cauliflower curry is ready to serve. Serve it with Roti, chapati,  phulka or rice.

Tasty Cauliflower recipe
Cauliflower Curry recipe With Spicy coconut gravy



मूंग दाल रेसिपी | Moong dal recipe in Hindi|| Moong ki dal


moong ki dal banaane ki vidhi
मूंग दाल

 मूंग दाल  बनाने में  और पचाने में सबसे आसान दाल है. बहुत लोगों को मूंग दाल पसंद नहीं आती , मेरी सहेलियां कहती है कि उनके बच्चे मूंग दाल नहीं खाते. पर मेरे घर में तो सबको  मूंग दाल बहुत पसंद आती है. यह दाल टिफिन मैं भी ठंडी होने के बावजूद बहुत स्वादिष्ट लगती है.

मूंग दाल रेसिपी | Dry Moong ki Dal Without pressure cooker

मूंग की दाल आसानी से पकने वाली और सब से जल्दी बनने वाली दाल है.   इसे बिना प्रेशर कुकर (without pressure cooker) के बड़े आसानी से बनाया जा सकता है. यह  डाइजेस्ट करने  में तो हल्की है ही  पर साथ ही बनाने में आसान भी है. मूंग की दाल की   यह रेसिपी  बहुत स्वादिष्ट है और सब को पसंद ही आती है.
मूंग   दाल जैसे ही ठंडी  होते ही बहुत  गाढ़ी  हो जाती है. इसके लिए जब मुझे मूंग दाल बनानी होती है   तब मैं इसे  हल्का  भून लेती हूं. इस वजह से यह दाल बहुत गाढ़ी  नहीं होती. पर इस मूंग दाल की रेसिपी मैंने सुखा बनाया है. यह मूंग दाल बच्चों को, बड़ों को सबको पसंद आती है. इसे  चम्मच बच्चे खुशी खुशी खा लेते हैं. यह दाल ठंडी होने के बाद भी स्वादिष्ट लगती है. इसलिए टिफिन में ले जाने के लिए या मूंग दाल की रेसिपी पर्फेक्ट है.

[Box]ALso Check –Dal Fry recipe In Hindi[/box]

मूंग दाल खाने के फायदे(health benefits of eating Moong Dal)

मूंग दाल को वेजीटेरियन लोगों का सुपर फूड कहा जाता है.  जिन लोगों को अपनी वजन की चिंता है और वजन घटाना चाहते  है वह मूंग दाल अपनी रोज के खाने में आराम से खा सकते हैं.
पीली मूंग दाल डाइजेस्ट करने में काफी हल्की होती है और साथ ही साथ इसमें कार्बोहाइड्रेट की मात्रा भी कम होती है.
मूंग दाल का glycemic index कम होने के कारण यह ब्लड ग्लूकोस को कंट्रोल में रखती है.

 [box]Also Check – Moong dal cheela recipe[/box]

मेरी मां वर्किंग होने के कारण सुबह सारा खाना बना कर जाती थी.  दोपहर में जब हम स्कूल से आते थे तो हमें खाना गर्म करना पड़ता था.  मूंग की दाल अगर  पतली बनी हो तो वह दोपहर तक गाड़ी और कड़क हो जाती है और उसे खाने में बिल्कुल भी मजा नहीं आता.  इस दाल को रोस्ट कर  इसका कड़क हो जाना रोका जा सकता  है पर सुबह के समय खाना जल्दी बन जाए यह सब चाहते हैं. मम्मा यह सूखी दाल जिस दिन  बनाती थी हम उस दिन बिना गर्म किए ही दाल खा लेते थे.
मूंग दाल की यह रेसिपी  बनाने मैं बहुत आसान है  और इसे बनाने के लिए प्रेशर कुकर की जरूरत नहीं पड़ती.  यह कढ़ाई में आसानी से बन जाती है.  मैं इसे लोहे  या मिट्टी की कढ़ाई में बनाना पसंद करती हूं. इस कढ़ाई में बनाई हुई दाल का स्वाद बहुत ही बेहतरीन लगता है. आप इसे  कोई भी कढ़ाई या फ्राइंग पैन में बना सकते हैं.
इसे बनाने के लिए  बहुत कम सामग्री लगती है.

How to make Moong Dal Recipe
मूंग दाल रेसिपी | Moong ki dal

मैंने मूंग दाल बनाने की रेसिपी फोटो के साथ लिखी है. आपको यह दाल कैसी लगी यह जरूर शेयर कीजिए.

[ingredients title=” सूखी मूंग दाल बनाने की सामग्री |Ingredients required to Make sukhi Moong Ki dal”]

  • एक कप  धूली मूंग दाल ( dhuli Moong Dal)
  •   1 1/2  गिलास   पानी   दाल भीगाने के लिए.
  • एक  गांठ   लहसन (Garlic)
  • दो से तीन बारीक कटी हरी मिर्च (Green Chillies)
  • आधा चम्मच हल्दी (turmeric)
  • एक चम्मच राई (Mustard Seeds)
  • एक चम्मच जीरा (Cumin Seeds)
  • एक चुटकी हींग (Asfoetidia)
  • 10-15 कड़ी पत्ता (Curry Leaves)
  • 2 टेबलस्पून  मूंगफली  या सरसों का तेल (Filtered Groundnut or Mustard Oil)
  • नमक स्वाद अनुसार


[directions title=”सूखी मूंग की दाल बनाने की विधि | Step By Step Directions to make Moong ki Dal Without Pressure cooker in Hindi”]

1 1/2  गिलास पानी उबालने के लिए  पतीले या केटल में रख दें.
दाल को अच्छी तरह पानी से धो लें.  इसी लगभग तीन-चार बार  साफ पानी से धो लें.IMG_5709IMG_5710
अब इस  धुली हुई दाल में उबलता हुआ गरम पानी डाल दे. और इसे भीगने के लिए छोड़ दें.IMG_5712IMG_5716

भीगी हुई मूंग दाल का पानी  फेंक दें और  इसे दो तीन बार साफ पानी से धो ले.IMG_5718

कढ़ाई में तेल गर्म करने रखें.IMG_5719
इसमें एक चुटकी हींग डालें.IMG_5720
एक चम्मच राई डालेंIMG_5721
जब राई फटने लगे तब इसमें जीरा डालें और  इसे हल्का सा  भुने.IMG_5722
अब इसमें बारीक कटी हुई हरी  मिर्च , कड़ी पत्ता और लहसुन डाल दे.IMG_5723
लहसुन को हल्का सुनहरा होने तक  भुने.IMG_5724
लहसुन हल्का सुनहरा होने के बाद हल्दी  डालें.IMG_5725
भीगी हुई दाल को कढ़ाई में डाल दे और इसे अच्छी तरह मिलाएं.IMG_5726
दाल को  दो-तीन मिनट अच्छी तरह भूनें.IMG_5727
इसमें स्वादानुसार नमक डालें.IMG_5728
अब इसमें 3/4 कटोरी पानी डालें.IMG_5731
पानी में जैसे ही उबाल आने लगे इसे ढक्कन से ढक दें  और गैस धीमी  कर दे.IMG_5732
इसे 8-10 मिनट धीमी  गैस पर पकने दें.
इस बीच इसे हिलाने की जरूरत नहीं है.
8 से 10 मिनट बाद  जब आप ढक्कन खोलेंगे तो दाल  पकी हुई होगी.  सारा पानी सूख गया होगाIMG_5733
दाल को हल्के से चम्मच से  उठाएं ,अगर इसमें  नीचे पानी होगा  तो दो-तीन मिनट और पकने दें.IMG_5738
दाल का एक-एक दाना खिला खिला सा रहेगा.   गैस बंद कर दे.
मूंग की सूखी दाल तैयार है.

How to make Moong Dal Recipe
मूंग दाल रेसिपी | Moong ki dal
