Home Healthy Microwave and Baking Baked Eggplant Wedges (baked)/ Roasted Eggplant Slices

Eggplant Wedges (baked)/ Roasted Eggplant Slices

Eggplant Wedges (baked)/ Roasted Eggplant Slices
baked eggplant wedges
healthy wedges
baked eggplant wedges

[ingredients title=”Ingredients”]

  • Eggplant 250 gms (use purple color eggplant …can use long or small baby eggplant )
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon sesame seeds (optional but it taste really good)
  • ½ teaspoon red chili powder (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon oil.(groundnut oil /olive oil/canola oil)


[directions title=”Directions”]

  1. Cut the eggplant into thick slices of ½ inch . I don’t remove the skin as it has lots of nutrients and it keeps the wedges intact and looks good. If you don’t like the skin remove it while eating it .

eggplant recipe

  1. Keep the slices in salt water for about 10 – 15 minutes; this generally removes the bitter taste and itchiness of eggplant.
  2.  Drain the water from eggplant and wash it with plain water. marinate it with turmeric , salt , red chili powder and oil. Leave it for 10 minutes. add sesame seed and toss it well

Healthy wedges with little  or no oil

  1. Microwave it for 8 minutes on high power . or bake it 180 degree Celsius for 10 minutes or till done. 


healthy wedges
baked eggplant wedges

Also Check Eggplant wedges with chickpea flour

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  Roasted eggplant green onions and garlic 


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