Home Baby Toddler kid veg section Baked Singhara (water chest nut) wedges in microwave (vrath recipe)

Baked Singhara (water chest nut) wedges in microwave (vrath recipe)

Baked Singhara (water chest nut) wedges in microwave (vrath recipe)
water chestnut wedges

Fresh singhara (water chest nut) comes at the start of October  and comes up to  feb –march…singhara (water chest nut) can be eaten in vrath(fast )time…at the time of navratri festival they   r available ..singhara (water chest nut) can be eaten plain boiled…my kids loves baked potato wedges..so i wanted to give it a try for baked singhara (water chest nut) wedges and it turned out really well …if you want to make it vrath recipe don’t add chat masala in place of that simply sprinkle black pepper and rock salt (saindha namak) it takes very less time to get baked in microwave ..singhara mainly content starch almost similar to that of potatoes , so it should be consumed moderately if your diabetic …avoid dry singhara flour or dry singhara if your diabetic or on weight reducing program as the carbohydrate  content is almost triple as compare to fresh singhara ….

This recipe is healthy for kids and people who want more energy and non diabetic …

[ingredients title=”Ingredients”]

  • 10-15 fresh singhara
  • Pinch of salt (saindha namak if you’re on fast)
  • Pinch of black pepper (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon oil
  • Chat masala (optional…don’t use it if you’re on fast)


[directions title=”Directions”]

  1. Wash singhara nicely..Peel the skin of each singhara with the help of knifeIMG_4551IMG_5119
  2. Take peeled singhara (water chest nut )in microwave safe bowl…Add salt or saindha namak &oil in it and microwave it on high pressure for 3 -4 minutes …IMG_5121IMG_5122
  3. Sprinkle black pepper  or chat masala on it …serve hot ..water chestnut wedges




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