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Whole wheat flour Carrot Dates cake | Atta cake recipe

Whole wheat flour Carrot Dates cake | Atta cake recipe
whole wheat flour dates carrot cake
Carrot cake with dates
Carrot cake with dates

This healthy whole wheat cake recipe is modified recipe of my whole wheat flour chocolate cake and carrot cake. These tastes really good and a good treat for kids. I have made this cake on last Christmas and kids really enjoyed it. This cake recipe is very nutritious during winter time as I have used lots of dates and dry fruits in it. There is no need to add all purpose flour or maida in this recipe. Recipe is very simple and doesn’t take lot of time during preparations. .

[box] Also check– Whole wheat flour (atta) dark chocolate cake recipe[/box]

Do share your queries or experience while making whole wheat flour cake in my comment box at the end of the recipe and share your whole wheat flour pics with me.

[ingredients title=”Ingredients to make Dates Carrot cake”]

  • 1 ½ cup whole wheat flour (gheu ka atta)
  • 4 eggs
  • ¾ cup oil (any refined oil)
  • 1 ½ cup sugar
  • 1 cup grated red carrot
  • 1 cup chopped dates
  • ½ cup chopped almonds / walnuts/ cashewnuts
  • 1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 ½ teaspoon cinnamon (dalchini) powder

I have used hand blender to make this cake recipe u can even use mixer or whisker or normal spoon for this purpose . [/ingredients]

[directions title=”Step by Step Directions to make Dates Carrot Cake”]

  1. Using hand blender beat egg nicelyIMG_7844IMG_7845
  2. Add sugar and oil to it blend it again with the help of hand blenderIMG_6670

    oil in cake batter
    oil in cake batter
  3. Now add cinnamon (dalchini) powder and baking powder to it blend it again
    cinnamon powder in cake batter
    cinnamon powder in cake batter

    baking soda in cake batter
    baking soda in cake batter
  4. Now slowly add whole wheat flour in this egg, oil, sugar, cinnamon and baking powder mixture and mix it nicely .no lumps should remain in the batter

    whole wheat flour in cake batter
    whole wheat flour in cake batter
  5. Now add grated carrot, dry fruits and chopped dates to it and mix it nicelyIMG_7857

    grated carrot in cake batter
    grated carrot in cake batter
  6. chopped nuts in cake batter
    chopped nuts in cake batter

    Now your cake batter is ready for baking

  7. Preheat oven at 180 degree Celsius. Greased the cake pan with butter or ghee (clarified butter) and pour the cake batter in it. Shove it in preheated oven and bake it for around 45-50 minutes or until the needle comes out clean. Let the crust of the cake become brown in the oven it tastes good. IMG_7863

    healthy cake recipe
    whole wheat flour dates carrot cake

Tips– time of baking varies as every oven heats up differently. So the baking time will not be same for everyone  just keep checking your cake after 35-40 minutes

healthy cake recipe
dates carrot cake



  1. Hi,
    I tried this recipe the only variation what I did is without using eggs and secondly in microwave. It worked! Worked wonders:) I used the baking soda and that too less than a half spoon and the whole mixture in microwave for 5 mins, leave it like that there with microwave off foe 1 min and then take it out let it settle out for a minute more….and the magic is ready to be tasted. THanks for sharing this recipe but you may tune it more to add eggless or microwave version too.

    • Hi Punam
      U can try out the whole wheat flour chocolate cake recipe which I have shared on my website. In place of cocoa powder add grated carrot. It’s eggless recipe

  2. Tried this recipe yesterday n it turned out to b a great one! Very easy too! My family loved it! Happy that now I need not stop my daughter from eating cakes! Goodbye maids!!

  3. i have made this cake today let me see how it turns out…. by cup its 200g rite??? i took cup to be 200g standard measurement………. hope i m write……. n fingers crossed hope it turns good enough for my daughter to eat……………..

  4. I tried this cake, it turned out good.
    but i took one and half cup flour, my 1 cup was – 250 grams
    so the cake dint turned out moist and soft, though the taste was good.
    now i will try again with only 1 cup flour.

  5. I want to try this recipe.
    can i use butter instead of refined oil? Since refined oil is not healthy.
    Please clarify my doubt.

    thank u

    • Hi Ritika
      Are you talking about the eggless chocolate cake recipe which i made from dates…… in that recipe you can add honey in place of sugar … if you are adding honey reduce the quantity of milk to 11/2 cup if you are using honey….

  6. The cake came out really nice. Thanks for the recipe. I replaced one egg with an overripe banana, and used jaggery instead of sugar. Was wonderful, very flavorful.

  7. Hi. Please can you clarify whether you mean baking soda or baking powder in this recipe? It says baking powder in the ingredient list and then baking soda in the method. Which is right? Wanna try this recipe.

  8. Hi can I replace oil with butter, If yes the quantity, whether melted or sticks? If melted butter, then should we have to melt and use or measure it and melt?


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