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Ladoo modak Recipe (whole wheat modak)/Atte ke Modak

churma ladoo modak
whole wheat modak / atte ka modak


Ladoo Modak or Atte ka Modak  is made from whole wheat flour churma .This Churma reipe is little modified Churma ladoo recipe .  Churma ladoo are always prepared on auspicious occasions in Gujarat, Rajasthan and during Ganesh festival in Maharashtra. This ladoo are generally offered to lord Ganesha .  I make modak from this churma ladoo mixture and add roasted dry coconut powder to it. There is slight difference in Churma ladoo made from jaggery and Churma ladoo made from sugar. I used the recipe of churma ladoo made from sugar and just added coconut to it to make this tasty modak. This modak has long shelf life and you can store it for 15 – 20 days.  Please make this ladoo modak 2 days before serving it , it tastes best after 1- 2 days .

[ingredients title=”Ingredients”]

  • 3 cup coarsely ground wheat flour (gheu ka mota atta)
  • 1 cup wheat flour (normal gheu ka atta)
  • 2 tablespoon of ghee for kneading the dough
  • 3 cup sugar/ ¾ cup sugarfree natura
  • ½ cup roasted dry coconut powder
  • 1 /2 cup almonds
  • ½ cup cashews nuts
  • 1 tablespoon khus khus (poppy seeds)
  • Ghee / refined oil for deep frying
  • 1 cup ghee to make ladoo
  • 12-13 cardamom


[directions title=”Directions”]

  1. Mix coarsely ground wheat flour / semolina & normal wheat flour & add 2 tablespoon of warm ghee to it. Mix it nicely and make stiff dough using water.
  2. Make puris of this dough and deep fry all the puris to golden brown colour on medium flame.
  3. Now take 4-5 puris at a time, break them into pieces and grind it into fine powder or churma , repeat this procedure and make churma of all puris in grinder .
  4. Now take sugar and cardamom seeds in a mixer jar and grind I into fine powder. Add this sugar cardamom powder in churma.
  5. Roast poppy seeds(khus-khus) and take almonds , cashews and roasted poppy seeds (khus –khus ) in  a mixer jar and grind it coarsely .add this powder in churma mixture . Now add raisins & roasted dry coconut powder to it.
  6. Heat 1 cup of ghee and add it to  churma mixure, mix the mixture .
  7. Take the modak mold and all you have to do is stuff it with this  churma mixture by pressing it nicely with your index finger and demould ,no need to grease the modak mould as this modak already has lot of ghee in it.
  8. Serve it to lord  ganesha on this auspicious occasion of ganesh chaturthi 🙂



  • Make this whole wheat choorma modak 1- 2 days before ganesh chaturthi.
  • For the first day this modak will taste little sweeter but after second day it will taste best when the sugar is absorbed in each particle of modak.
  • Don’t make the ghee quantity less this will make the modak dry after second day.
  • Don’t add milk to make dough of ladoo modak ,it will decrease the shelf life of modak .

Fried Modak Recipe | Talniche Modak from Whole Wheat Flour | Talalele Modak

fried modak with coconut jaggery stuffing
fried modak with coconut jaggery stuffing

I make fried  modak at home from whole wheat flour with dry coconut or fresh coconut stuffing with jaggery (gud/gul).For covering of this modak I used whole wheat flour with Semolina(rava/suji) and no maida in it.Semolina makes this modak crispy. This are the traditional Modak prepared in Marathi homes .Maharashtrians  prepare this modak during ganesh chaturthi festival or on any chaurthi for the prasad for lord ganesha. 

[box]Also check– Kheerapat and Panchkhadya recipe for Ganpati Prasad[/box]

[ingredients title=”Ingredients”]

For outer covering of modak

  • 2 cup whole wheat flour (gheu ka atta/ ghwach peeth)
  • 1 cup fine semolina (rava/suji)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon warm ghee
  • Water to knead the dough

For inner stuffing

  • 1½ cup grated jaggery
  • 1½ cup grated fresh coconut (naral/nariyal)or dry coconut(khopra gola)
  • 1 teaspoon freshly crushed cardamom powder
  • Grounded /chopped 10 almonds and 10 cashew nuts
  • Refined oil or ghee to fry modak


[directions title=”Directions”]

 For covering

  1.  Mix all the ingredients except water mentioned in covering ingredients …. warm ghee should be rubbed nicely with the flour and semolina…

    whole wheat flour , semolina, salt &ghee
    whole wheat flour , semolina, salt &ghee
  2. add little little water and make a stiff dough… stiff dough will make the modak covering crunchy ….keep  the dough aside atleast for 1- 2 hours before making modak out of it ..

 For stuffing

  1. If your using dry coconut(khopra/gola)— there is no need to cook all the ingredient …just roast the grated dry coconut  to make it light brown …remove it from heat let it cool crushed with ir fingers …it becomes very crispy after roasting ..add all the stuffing ingredients in it ….mix it with your fingers ..ur stuffing is ready for modak
  2. If ur using fresh coconut(naral/nariyal)—Mix all the stuffing ingredient except cashew almond powder and cardamom powder…..IMG_4136
  3. Cook and stir the mixture on low or medium flame till mixture is dry
  4. Remove it from the flame and add cardmom powder and almond cashew nut powderIMG_4156IMG_4163

 For making modak

  1. Divide the dough in 4 equal parts …. Take it on the back side of the big thali(plate) roll it into 5-6 inch diameter disc…apply ghee and dust little flour on it …fold it in half and again apply ghee  and dust some flour on it fold it into triangle and roll it into little thick disc now…. take a small kattori with nice edges and cut small disc from this big disc …in this way you can make atlest 6-7 disc at a time  and no need to make single puri or disc … we r folding it like paratha as we want layers in modak ….IMG_4179IMG_4180IMG_4181IMG_4182IMG_4185
  2. Now take one disc and add 1 teaspoon of stuffing in it and gather the ends of this disc to form potli or a dumpling…. bring all the edges together and close the top shape and taper the top of the modak … seal the modak properly otherwise it will open while frying…IMG_4192IMG_4175IMG_4176
  3. Make all the modak in this way…keep them for ½ an hour before frying …IMG_4200
  4. Deep fry this modak in ghee and serve them hot to lord ganeshaIMG_4210


Tips for deep fried modak recipe (whole wheat flour)

  • Semolina makes this modak very crispy
  • While making the modak disc follow the paratha folds which I had mentioned ..it forms nice layers in the modak covering
  • If you want to store this modak for some days use dry coconut instead of fresh coconut …
  • Fry this modaks on medium or low  flame

You can make coconut stuffing in microwave

How to make coconut (naral/nariyal )modak stuffing in microwave (whole wheat fried modak stuffing/talniche /talele modak stuffing)IMG_4163

Khoya (mava) modak Recipe with dry fruits (Kaju and Anjeer)

Enjoy a tasty mawa modak (also known as modak peda) with dry fruits

[ingredients title=”Ingredients”]

1 cup khoya(mawa)

¼ cup sugarfree natura /sugar / demerara sugar

1 cup dried fig(anjeer) finely chopped

½ cup cashew nut (Kaju) powder

1 teaspoon cardmom powder

10-15 saffron(kesar)  strands (if you r not using demerara sugar)


[directions title=”Directions”]

  1. Combine khoya(mawa) and sugarfree natura /powdered sugar/demerara sugar in a heavy bottom pan
  2. Now roast it on low flame till all the moisture evaporated…add finely chopped dried fig(anjeer)and cashew nu powder in it roast it for 2 -3 minutes and remove it from the flame …add cardmom powder and saffron(kesar)  strands in it
  3. Grease the modak mould with ghee…this will prevent the mixture  from sticking…now fill the khoya(mawa) dryfruits mixture inside the mould press it nicely using your index finger and demould …do remember to grease the modak mould before use …
  4. This modak r very nutritious for kids….but not good for weight conscious
  5. Well serve it to lord ganesha  ….






If you like you can also add desiccated coconut to this recipe….

Easy sandesh modak

This modak  should be served chilled to lord ganesha and obviously to their devotees 🙂
[ingredients title=”Ingredients”]

  • 1 ½ litre whole milk
  • 2 tablespoon Lemon juice
  • 1 cup icing sugar
  • ½ cup desiccated coconut
  • ½ teaspoon cardamom powder


[directions title=”Directions”]

How to make chena

  1. Bring milk to boil in a heavy bottom pan  …add lemon juice to it ..Stir continuously..When milk curdles completely, remove pan from heat  ..
  2. Place muslin cloth on the bowl…pour curdled milk into it and strain …bring four  corners of muslin cloth together and gently twist and squeeze all the water from the chenna ….
  3. Take this chena in food processor jar …. Knead this chena in food processor within few seconds it will become very soft….

Making sandesh modak with chena 

  1.  Add desiccated coconut ,icing sugar and cardmom powder  to this soft chena
  2.  Take the modak mould and all you have to do is stuff it with this  chena sandesh mixture by pressing it nicely with your index finger and demould ……do remember to grease the modak mould before use …
  3.  Keep it in refrigerator …it will become firm….serve it chilled to lord ganesha ….this sandesh modak r really yummy



1)      I had used icing sugar as it helps to prevent extra moisture and doesnot let  chena become sticky …..

2)      Use fresh desiccated coconut it gives very nice flavor to this sandesh modak

Easy Semolina (rava) modak recipe with coconut jaggery stuffing

This modak are very much tried  and tasted and never go wrong as it happens in case of ukadiche modak and it looks very much similar to ukadiche modak …

[ingredients title=”Ingredients”]

For covering

  • 1 cup fine semolina(rava) or sooji
  • 1 cups water
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon ghee

For stuffing of modak

1cup powdered  jaggery
1 ½ cup grated coconut
1 teaspoon cardmom powder
10 Cashew nuts finely chopped
25-30 raisins


[directions title=”Directions”]

For stuffing

  1. Mix jaggery and grated coconut and keep it aside for ½ hour
  2.  After ½ an hour In a heavy bottom pan add this  jaggery coconut mixture ..stir the mixture ..cook this mixture till the jaggery starts thickening .
  3.  Don’t overcook as then the mixture will become very hard. Keep it aside for cooling
  4.   Add cashew nuts, cardamom powder and raisins in it …mix it ..allow it to cool
  5.  As the stuffing mixture cools  it will thicken …

For covering 

  1.       Roast the semolina(rava) in pan with ghee until it becomes very light an little pink
  2.       Take water and coconut milk in a sauce pan and bring it ot boil…add salt to it
  3.    Add roasted semolina(rava) to it …
  4.    With the spatula stir it continuously
  5.   Keep this pan on low fire for 5-6 minutes …continuously stir so that the semolina(rava) doesn’t stick and get burnt … switch off the flame
  6.    when the dough is hot at that time only you have to kneed it …if you cannot manage it leave it for few minutes more …apply some ghee to your palm ….kneed well and make a smooth dough …there should be no lumpsin the dough

    Making modak

    1)      Take a small portion of dough  in your palm….now flatten this dough and make a small circle like puri on your palm

    2)      Keep few spoons  of stuffing on the centre of this circle.

    3)      Bring all the edges together and close the top …there should be no air space inside the modak…remove the extra portion of the dough …shape and taper the top of the modak with your fingers

    4)      Make all this semolina modak in this way

    5)      No need to steam this modak again as you have already cooked the semolina very nicely

    6)      Serve the semolina modak to lord ganesha with ghee.

For coconut jaggery stuffing recipe in microwave check How to make coconut (naral/nariyal )modak stuffing in microwave



  1. Roast the semolina nicely otherwise the dough will taste very sticky
  2. the stuffing and semolina dough quantity should be same when you make modak out of it
  3. don’t make the cover of the modak very thick  with your fingers press the dough ball nicely to make the circle like puri….
  4.  you can serve this modak with ghee…it taste really good ;-)….